What Are the Most Common Traffic Tickets Issued in NYC?
Maintaining the safety of motorists and passengers should be the focus after the accident, and ensuring that any persons in need of medical care receive it. If you’ve been in a vehicle collision that only resulted in property damage, you are responsible for the following: What Are the Most Common Traffic Tickets Issued in NYC? […]
Have I Been Charged with an Infraction or a Misdemeanor?
When you are issued a traffic ticket in New York, they “typical” ticket you might expect to receive is for a moving “violation”. Speeding tickets, red light tickets, portable electronic device tickets…all are examples of moving violations. Violations are considered infractions and are the lowest type of “criminal” (as compared to a civil) charge. There […]
How long do points stay on your license in NY?
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) assigns points to a driver license after traffic violations to penalize poor driving behaviors. The points system is designed to identify high-risk drivers and enforce consequences if too many points accumulate. Many clients and potential clients will ask, “How long do points stay on your license […]