Feifer & Greenberg, LLP

Need a New York Traffic Ticket Lawyer?





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Our New York traffic ticket attorneys have been representing clients with speeding and traffic tickets, while also covering driving-related misdemeanors in New York for over 20 years. Our firm has successfully settled or dismissed hundreds of thousands of traffic matters. Each year, we help drivers avoid license points, costly fines, surcharges, and insurance increases.
A skilled New York traffic ticket lawyer can help you through your entire process


Learning more about the consequences you’re facing and the options
available has never been easier:

Step 1

consult icon

Contact a New York traffic ticket lawyer today for a free, honest assessment of your case. Call anytime or fill out our contact form, and we’ll discuss the potential consequences you’re facing and the options available to you.

Step 2

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You’ve consulted with our New York traffic ticket lawyer and have done all your research, you have a good understanding of what’s at stake. Now, it’s time to determine your best course of action.

Step 3

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If you decide to move forward with our New York traffic ticket lawyer, we’ll walk you through a very quick intake via phone and/or email and handle everything going forward. No office visit is necessary.


It’s often worth fighting a traffic ticket in NYC, especially speeding tickets and traffic violations that can send your insurance premiums through the roof. We can assist in permanently removing the violation from your record or understanding the New York DMV driving violation point system with special circumstances such as commercial driver accidents or TLC driver violations. Whether it’s just fighting a ticket or needing assistance with a suspended or revoked license, contact an experienced traffic ticket lawyer in NYC. Our firm offers a free consultation and is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for your situation.


I received notice that my case was heard in Queens County and that both summonses were dismissed. To say the least, I was extremely happy. Speed and failure to signal dismissed.
Outstanding. I was expecting the worst and now I find out months later that we won. Really cool. Drinks on me! Disobey Traffic Device dismissed.
Adam S.
Thank you so much Scott. I have been very impressed with your service and common sense. Criminal misdemeanor reduced to a violation.
You guys have been a pleasure to deal with and I will certainly recommend your services - point speeding ticket reduced to a parking violation
Christopher C.


Failure To Yield To A Pedestrian Ticket

A lack of clarity regarding what NY considers "yielding to pedestrians" often leads to overly aggressive enforcement. Enforcement officers' discretion may result in errors, issuing tickets with 3 points and hefty fines.

Stop Sign

Whether you fly past the sign or slowly roll through, a stop sign violation incurs significant penalties with a wide range of fines depending on the circumstances and 3 points added to your license.

Disobey Traffic Control Device In New York

A traffic control device violation in New York carries 2 points, slightly lower than other infractions. Yet, the penalties remain significant, underscoring the importance of seeking legal counsel to fight or avoid them.

Red Light

Not addressing a red light ticket promptly leads to driving privilege suspension. This includes failure to respond, attend hearings, or pay fines on time.


A speeding ticket brings financial penalties, points, and higher insurance rates, and risks job security for professional drivers or those insured by their employers.

Unsafe Lane
Change Tickets

Unsafe lane change carries 3 points, more than failing to signal 2. It's often issued alongside other charges like speeding.

Cell Phone

A cell phone / portable electronic device ticket in NY carries 5 points and a range of fines depending on the location and circumstances. Simply touching the phone while in motion is often enough for an officer to write a ticket.

Driver License Suspensions & Revocations

If suspended, your license can be taken for a period or indefinitely until you take action. Revocation means permanent cancellation; to reapply, wait for the revocation period to end and apply to the DMV.

Learn To Understand Your New York Speeding Ticket

Understanding speeding tickets can be confusing. Click the button below to learn how to read different types of NY speeding tickets and what each section entails.

Frequently Asked questions

Do I need a New York traffic ticket lawyer?

While no traffic court will force you to have a lawyer for a typical violation, an attorney can be quite beneficial. Just an initial consultation with an attorney may alert you to certain potential problems or surcharges that you wouldn’t otherwise have known existed.


Once you understand the potential consequences of the ticket, hiring a lawyer would be a decision based on those consequences plus other factors such as your job, your location relative to the court, your prior driving history, the reputation of the particular court, etc.


The bottom line is hiring an attorney often is a relatively modest investment that will allow you to avoid going to court in most cases. Being fully prepared for any potential consequences gives you the best possible chance of a successful outcome in your case.


There are a few tickets that you may not need an New York traffic ticket lawyer for (certain minor, no point violations). Any lawyer you consult with should let you know if that’s the case with your ticket.

What are the consequences of ignoring a traffic ticket in NY?

Ignoring your traffic ticket is always going to be the wrong decision to make regarding your summons. If you don’t pay the ticket or show up in court, you could end up suspended in New York (or your home state), end up with a warrant issued, end up with credit problems, problems renting a car, etc.


When you try to eventually fix the situation, it will take longer and be more expensive. It’s just not the right way to deal with a ticket.

Should I fight my ticket?

We never want to see anyone accept a conviction without fighting back somehow, especially if that person feels the ticket wasn’t fairly issued. Ultimately, the decision to fight comes down to an analysis of the potential penalties, the chances of avoiding or lessening said penalties, and the time and/or monetary cost involved with fighting the ticket.

What locations does Feifer & Greenberg service?

While our main offices are in New York City, we service all of New York State. We have a statewide network of in-house and of counsel attorneys who can take on your case, whether you’re ticketed in Manhattan or on the Canadian border.


This network has allowed us to compile a database containing information, results, and general knowledge on practically every single court in New York. It allows us to give more accurate consults regarding our goals and chances of success. Plus, it allows us to keep our low, flat fees uniform throughout the state, regardless of where a case may be.

I was speeding for a good reason, can’t my New York speeding ticket get dismissed?

What if you were speeding to get to a hospital? What if your partner was hurt at their job site? What if your child forgot their lunch? There are tons of reasons people speed but the court and law enforcement officials don’t consider most of them to be valid. In certain cases, New York law does allow people to commit some acts considered to be unlawful if committing such acts was necessary to avoid imminent injury. The complexity of this argument will require you to work with a New York speeding ticket lawyer. Considering how the state statute requires the unlawful behavior to have been necessary to avoid danger, you shouldn’t expect common refrains such as being late to work or rushing to an appointment to qualify. There are instances in which a court shows unexpected mercy, such as in some cases involving first-time offenders.

How many points will I get for a NY speeding ticket?

The number of points levied against your driver’s license depends on the severity of the alleged violation.  In the case of speeding, the total points imposed by the TVB are as follows: speeding up to 10 mph over the posted speed limit is worth three points, speeding 11 to 20 mph is worth four points, speeding 21 to 30 mph is worth six points, speeding 31 to 40 mph is worth eight points, and driving more than 40 mph above the speed limit is worth 11 points.

Can I get a New York traffic ticket dismissed in NY?

Any attorney can try to get every single ticket completely dismissed, but in some cases, that might not necessarily be the most prudent decision. In NYC, yes–every case is fought via a small hearing where the outcome is either win or lose, dismiss (not guilty) or guilty.


We get many tickets dismissed via these hearings every day and that will always be our goal. However, there are other courts throughout the state where negotiation is encouraged. In these cases, we may pursue a plea-bargained lesser violation where just a fine is due.


This may not be technically a dismissal but may be the more favorable move. If your license remains clean and you end up spending less money and taking less risk than you would pursuing a complete dismissal, paying a fine is not a huge loss.


All of this is discussed during consultation. We review options and share what we think may be the best way for the individual client to proceed.

What are the benefits of fighting a New York traffic ticket?

To understand the potential benefits, all you have to do is look at the potential consequences of a conviction. Fighting helps avoid points on the license, increased insurance, fines, assessments, potential loss of driving privileges, and potential employment issues.

Do I need to show up in court?

In most cases, if you have an attorney, you’ll never need to go to court. If you are fighting the ticket on your own, you’ll almost always need to be there. While a few courts may give you some option of dealing with the ticket without showing up, those options generally aren’t as effective as appearing in person and confronting the officer or talking to the prosecutor.

If you are just looking to pay a ticket and plead guilty, most courts will allow you to do this by mail or internet.

If the court won’t allow this, it is probably because you are facing a charge or penalty that is more serious than you anticipated. If you are told to appear in person just to plead guilty to a charge, you should seriously consider consulting an New York traffic ticket lawyer first to make sure you aren’t walking into a difficult situation.

Do you guarantee that we’ll win?

Unfortunately, no. It’s impossible to predict the outcome of any case, even the simplest ones. What we can guarantee, however, is that we will always provide the best legal representation we can. We also guarantee to be transparent and keep you informed of our goals, objectives, and steps we plan to take so you’re always in the loop.

How many points come off my license for a speeding ticket in New York?

For a New York speeding ticket, the amount of points that come off your driver’s license varies depending on the severity. The exact amount of points can be found in the above section.


In general, speeding ticket fines range between $45 to $800. The amount fined is based on the severity of the alleged offense, just like the imposed point system. In some cases, such as if the ticket was issued for speeding in a work zone, the fine will increase or even double. In addition to the monetary penalty, speeding tickets in New York also may be accompanied by possible prison time. In most cases, the possible prison time recommendation ranges between 15 to 30 days. This penalty depends on the severity of the alleged violation.


If you were ticketed with speeding in a New York school zone, the potential fine total sharply increases. You may be fined between $90 and $1,200 depending on the severity of the alleged offense.

Do insurance rates go up if I get a NY speeding ticket?

Insurance rates don’t increase when you get a ticket, but they can increase if you’re convicted of the charge that the ticket alleges. Once ticketed for a supposed infraction, it’s possible to successfully argue the case and avoid any points appearing on your driver’s license.  Insurance providers hold onto your point tally far longer than the TVB — 36 months versus 18 months. Working with an experienced New York speeding ticket lawyer may help you avoid accruing any points at all, which means you can put that additional insurance premium cash toward something you actually want to invest in. If you are convicted of the charge alleged in the ticket, you may be able to avoid increased insurance rates through programs such as the aforementioned defensive driving courses. In New York, auto insurance providers may lower your rate by as much as 10% upon completion of a defensive driving course. Your auto insurance provider may have additional options to lower your premium. Many insurance providers offer discounts for anti-theft technology, going paperless, and similar items or activities. Check with your provider to see what you qualify for and how you can lower your premium even further. If you’re unhappy with the additional discount options offered by your provider, make sure to shop around. Don’t settle for paying more than necessary (or more than you can afford).


You can rest assured that our experienced New York traffic ticket lawyers are here to help you fight or dismiss unjust tickets. Give us a call at (888) 842 – 5384 for a no-obligation consultation and see if Feifer & Greenberg can help you.